· Your coach will send a list of dives before the meet. Register as soon as you get your list from the coach to avoid late fees and this gives time for the coaches to double check your dives.  
· Know your dive list (including the numbers) before arriving to the meets. Have a printed copy and put into ziplock to keep dry during meet as well as to double check at registration.
· Always arrive on time! Your coach will let you know what time to be at the meet venue for check in and warm ups. Go by what your coach tells you. Event times are often adjusted based on the number of divers in each event, so the times may be incorrect.
· Wear your team suit or warm ups. On the award stand always wear your team shirt or warm ups, zipped up. · Bring extra towels.
· Get a good nights sleep and eat a healthy breakfast.
· Warm up and stretch.
· Check in with your coach as soon as you arrive, between every dive and before you leave between events.
· Cheer on all your teammates!
· Thank the host team.
· Remember you are representing our team, community and sponsors. Your actions matter!
· Be a good sport! Have fun!


In order to compete with the Conroe Diving Club, your diver must follow
ALL REGISTRATION STEPS and become a member of the Conroe Diving Club as a Novice/future champion or JO level diver. The annual dues are considered a tax-deductible donation and include a team t-shirt. Please contact use the member tab to register today! 


Competing - What you need to know about diving


Dives with Three Numbers

Dives with Four Numbers