Practice is the most important part of the Conroe Diving Club (CDC) Program.  The following policies and behavior requirements are necessary to provide the proper environment for each diver to achieve their maximum potential. Any violation of these policies is grounds for immediate suspension or dismissal from the team, as well as reporting to relevant sport governing bodies and/or law enforcement.

1. As a member of CDC, I will abide by ALL team rules as well as ALL Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) and US Center for SafeSport codes of conduct, rules and guidelines.

2. Absolutely NO swearing, foul language, use of profanity or sexual talk while at practice at the pool, gym or representing CDC.

3. The use of illegal drugs, alcohol and/or tobacco by any underage athlete is forbidden. Any violation of this rule will result in either suspension or dismissal from the team.

4. Parents and friends are not allowed on the pool deck or in the dryland area. They are invited to watch from the stands at the Conroe Aquatic Center.

5. In order for coaches to focus on athlete training, parents are asked to see coaches before or after practice or text/call coach Bill at 281.795.8661.

6. Under no circumstances will a coach be in a room alone with an athlete.

7. Maintain a positive attitude! If you believe you can or can’t, you’re right.

8. Arrive on time and be mentally PREPARED with the day’s specific and general goals in mind.

9. COMMUNICATE with your coach. It is your diving career and your responsibility to communicate your goals, concerns, questions, ideas. Our coaches and staff want to help you reach your full potential.

10. Attend every practice from beginning to end. Please communicate late arrivals or absences to your athlete’s coach.

11. Give the coaches your undivided attention. Follow their directions. Be prepared to dive when it is your turn. Always look at the coach after every dive.

12. Be RESPECTFUL of the coaching staff and your teammates.

13. Be a good TEAMMATE. Support your teammates during practice with encouraging and positive words. Diving is a unique sport in that it is both an individual and team sport. Each diver working toward their individual goals while working together as a team to be the best in the country.

14. Have a great WORK ETHIC.

15. Coaches and minor athletes are not permitted to maintain private social media connections, through messaging, direct messaging, or other private one-on-one communication. Any existing social media connections must be discontinued, per US Center for SafeSport policies.

16. CDC recommends all athletes/participants and parents/guardians of minor athletes review the materials provided by U.S. Center for SafeSport at, including the free Parent Class and Youth Courses.

17. Coaches and Athletes are prohibited from using photographic or recording capabilities of any device in locker rooms, changing areas, or any area designated as a place for changing clothes or undressing, per US Center for SafeSport policies.